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Terms and Conditions
You probably don't want to read a long legal document, but if you do, here's a link to the full terms.
Either way, PLEASE read this summary.

Droomusic End User License AGREEMENT
The Droomusic End User License Agreement is a legal agreement between you and Droomusic, and any of our affiliated sound developers.

1. These sounds are licensed to you as the end user.

2. You don't own them so you can't trade them, sell them, or give them away.

3. You can use them royalty-free in your productions as long as you have a legal license to do so. This does not apply to purchased music.

4. If you work in a multi user facility or collaborate with other composers, musicians or sound designers, each user must have a license.

5. You may use the sounds on several machines at once via local network providing sounds aren't shared over a larger network with other unlicensed users.

6. We don't sell or offer the plug-ins or hardware upon which these sounds run. You need to purchase or download them from the manufacturer or any of its retail outlets.

7. We don't offer technical support for the plug-ins or hardware. That is up to the manufacturers. We don't warrant the reliability or usability of the sounds on any hardware or software platform due to the large number of unpredictable variables (software and hardware conflicts, performance limitations, and/or other unknown user interactions with those platforms).

8. The sounds are provided "as is" without a warranty as to their suitability for your needs technologically or aesthetically. We are not liable for any damages that may arise from the end user's inability to use the sounds or any other condition.

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Be sure to read the terms and conditions before purchasing.
All site content © 2006-2025 Droomusic